1. Hamilton by Lin Manuel Miranda
2. Jojo Rabbit (2019) dir. Taika Waititi
3. Guernica, Pablo Picasso (1937)
4. A Thousand Years, Damien Hirsta
Theater, film, painting, installation. The Arts. Uncomfortable, thoughtful. Intentionally provocative. To censor the narrative of a creator is to suppress the nature of art itself. Never fucking ask them to explain themselves again.
If you are not familiar with these works, I suggest learning. Ask yourself the questions they raise.
I'm fucking sick of the idea that stans have any say in demanding explanation for art, especially the art of 7 POC, when we know damn well it stems from a place of raging ethnocentricism that wants to control bts's voices just because they can't understand them
The impetus on you as a conscious consumer of media is to THINK. Stop pushing to confirm with some external power if your thoughts and emotions are real. fucking experience them. That's art. Thats music. Otherwise you're never going to be anything but a frog in the well of kpop
Bts has said what they wanted to say. After that it's your responsibility to Listen.
Stop treating Connect, BTS as anything other than a statement. Loud and clear.

It's 3am but if anyone needs me to explain why I chose those 4 works to serve as examples reply and I'll do my best to elaborate.
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