listening to a police scanner atm will update, it sounds like they're dealing with a bank being looted
some 15 year old kid in a wheelchair just got injured, christ be with them
it has now been 4 hours since curfew started
they got the portilos lmao the chat for this police scanner live stream didn't like that
most of the police radios cut and the dispatcher is a bit nervous about it
armored vehicles on the scene, north bridge is secured, things seem to be getting intense, but the scanner is dying down due to some interfering radio
an arrest was made by four cops only one of which has a working radio
trump tower is getting some massive flack right now, grant and franklin objects being thrown
cops are coming back online, just a crap ton of batteries all died at the same time
silver impala pulled over and suspect arrested
some dude is now on the cop radio telling the "mirrored mother fuckers" to "die in hell"
two white males and a jogger are being pursued
the three dudes have a fire bomb
update its not a jogger its a female
5 guys running north on Dearborn
female having breathing problems, again im praying for all the injured no matter how wicked they may be no one deserves to suffer
holy shit
three suspects who had the incindeary bomb are in custody, but the bomb is no where to be found
bomb squad is being deployed to find the device
motor scooter caravan having a looting party
cvs pharmacy in ruins
real symbolic
some dude in a pink robe just got arrested
weell im done with this thread for tonight since they authorized deadly force, things are still pretty hot but shit is undercontrol
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