'where have the GC ever been homophobic' lmfao I HAVE NO IDEA https://twitter.com/LisaTMullin/status/1266967911534493697
those are the likes on a tweet abusing a lesbian couple using ivf procedures to have a child.
Terfs seem to think this "idpol" thing works and cry arsing about "some terfs are lesbians" means anything. I could not give a shit. I don't think my being a woman nor my being a lesbian is a shield throughout life. I'm sorry that you do. That's a form of idpol, just so you know.
Oh, and just so you know, I'm also an ex terf. Plenty of these women are political lesbians. I think there's nothing more pathetic nor attention seeking than a woman who thinks eating pussy to own the patriarchy is somehow praxis. I just enjoy it but I'm not a radical feminist.
Well, that and weird celibate lives where football is somehow a wild anniversary night baby. Your hatred of men is not my problem. You all talk about men a lot for apparent dykes. I could be in I Am Legend and not notice men had disappeared for a good few days but you do you.
I don't know if you got the memo but I don't think exactly the same as every other lesbian on the planet & it makes zero fucking difference to me if some lesbian wants to let radfem leopards eat her face. Zero. Put bbq sauce on for all I care.
It's YOU that thinks all lgbt people think the same whilst crying you're not a bigot. I simply am not engaging in your idpol bullshit and no some of you are not lesbians. That's just reality. I'm not arguing gold star bullshit with you, I'm not arguing RF delusions at all.
You seem to be of this opinion everyone is eternally valid outside of your world and can't handle it when someone says actually no, you aren't. You're not valid. You'll live. Grow that thicker skin that you keep telling everyone else to grow I guess.
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