
This is why I always laugh at people who tell me that @krystalball is a "reasonable" progressive.

She's spreading a lie about Klobuchar.
Krystal is talking about the police shooting of Wayne Reyes, whose name she doesn't even know.

Here's what Krystal says:
"At the time, Amy Klobuchar was the county attorney, and she declined to prosecute Chauvin, leaving him on the streets and in a position to kill George Floyd, as he did in that horrific video."
It's amazing how much stupidity is packed into that one sentence.

Reyes led cops on a high-speed chase, jumped out of his car, and pointed a sawed-off shotgun at the cops.

Several cops fired and killed him.
The case was referred to a GRAND JURY, which determined that the shooting was justified.

Here's the statement from the Hennepin County attorney's office:
"Senator Klobuchar's last day in the office here was December 31, 2006, and she had no involvement in the prosecution of this case at all."
"In 2006, Chauvin was one of six officers involved in the shooting of a man allegedly involved in a stabbing. The incident took place on Oct. 29, when Klobuchar, while still county prosecutor, was deep into her ultimately successful Senate bid."
"The case wasn’t sent to a grand jury until after she was sworn in [as senator]."
There's no such thing as a reasonable progressive.

Krystal Ball says that urban terrorists torching the businesses of innocent people is justified.

We have to put to rest this total nonsense about police brutality.
Cops make over 10 million arrests per year.

They kill about 500 people a year.

The cop in his case HAS BEEN CHARGED.

And yet the arson and looting continues.

Let me tell you something, Ms. Ball:
Nobody sane CARES about the "outrage" anymore.

Your side neutralized the meaning of the entire concept of police brutality.

Just like you do with everything.

I'm not even watching this ridiculous ritual. Here's what "progressives" are saying:
"Black people are incapable of acting in a civilized manner."

THAT is the message you're sending.

The original progressive protestors said that protests don't change anything, but today's progressives are too dumb to comprehend that.
I had the radio on as I got my evening meal, and @MrMokelly had on a face-lifted crone who lamented the fact that @realDonaldTrump didn't come out and speak to the nation, stopping the rioters in their tracks and making all Americans hug each other in tears of love.
Saint Barack Obama was sworn in in 2009.

How many violent nationwide riots did we have during his reign of peace?

The Occupy Movement.

The Mike Brown Riots.

The Freddie Gray Riots.
The Oscar Grant Riots.

The Trayvon Martin Riots.

The Manuel Diaz Riots.

The Kimini Gray Riots.
STRANGELY, having a lightworker in office didn't stop people from getting on the hamster wheel.

After the face-listed Crone, Mo'Kelly spoke to a Gen-Z twerp.

As God is my witness, this is what he said:
"My generation has it the worst in American history."
And Mo' didn't jump across the desk and slap the guy's face 80 times.

Imagine being 18 years old and taken from your farm in Nebraska, trained, and sent to England.

You go up in an unpressurized B-17 Flying Fortress, flying at 36,000 feet.
In order to survive, you have to wear an oxygen mask, an electrically heated suit, and 50 pounds of armor.
The German antiaircraft rounds start blowing holes in your airplane and your friends.

Looking out your window, you see THIS.
Suddenly the antiaircraft fire stops.

This is the worst time, because it means the interceptors are coming in.

They have automatic cannons with high-explosive rounds.
Some of those Germans shot down 50 bombers each.

After the inceptors riddle you, they disappear so that the antiaircraft guns can resume firing.

You drop your bombs and head home.

Through more interceptors.
When you land, they say this:

"Congratulations, kid. You only have to do that 24 more times."

Once you hit ten missions, the chances of completing the remaining 15 were statistically zero.

We lost 26,000 bomber crew dead, with another 21,000 wounded.
"My generation has it the worst in American history."

Makes you want to puke, doesn't it?

The good news is that progressives have committed political mass suicide. The current mayhem is the last straw.
EVEN NOW, the governor of Minnesota is talking about thee "grieving" and how the entire country must change because it's just so HORRIBLE.

No it isn't.
It's not MY FAULT that in Chicago, black people use each other as ducks in a shooting gallery.

I'm not support to care about THAT, right?

I'm not even supposed to bring it up.

But ONE guy dying at the hands of a cop means the whole country must burn down in atonement.

It's has nothing at all to do with most of us. I have nothing to atone for.


10 million arrests per year.

500 deaths.
Unlike so many other people, I'm not part of a glockenspiel.
It's indescribably great to be free of the herd.

The herd never did anything for me.

So now I'm just an observer.

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