I lived near the Los Angeles riots in the 90s and it’s one of the events that helped make me a staunch conservative. I see the same shit now. #GeorgeFloydProtests
I saw people destroying their own damn neighborhoods. I saw people crying after everything they had worked for went up in flames. And democrats were cheering. FUCK THAT! I decided I was with the other guys. The guys that wanted more business and more success for EVERYONE.
My family was poor. But my dad worked his ass off to build what he had and to bring his family up. These goddamn scumbags burning shit down don’t represent him or his struggle. They represent them DESTRUCTION of his struggle.
There are injustices in this country. But this isn’t how we fix that. We have come a long way. We need to do more. Killing and destroying is not how we fix the injustice we see. We need to come together and defeat injustice alongside each other. That’s what makes us Americans.
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