the full video of the man who was attacked in downtown dallas. he literally ran after them WITH A SWORD. please share the full video and not just the clip where they attacked him
“they were cornering him first!!” nah i don’t wanna hear it. he looked like a threat carrying a FUCKING SWORD, they wanted him out, he chased them with a sword. he’s literally a white man who’s armed at a BLM protest, what reaction were y’all expecting?
wh- what part of “armed white man at a BLM protest” did y’all not understand? don’t want your local business to get destroyed? write signs on your window showing your support, don’t do exactly what they’re protesting against. he knew EXACTLY what he looked like.
okay let me make this a little more clear for the white folks. i do not care if they were throwing ROCKS** at him first. i don’t give a shit. when you are an armed white man at a BLM protest, how are you expecting to be welcomed?? roses and some ice cream?? use your fucking heads
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