I've been to 2 protests in my life (both mterc) and both have looked like what the protesters in these videos are doing. Walking. Holding signs. Chanting things. I remember cops blocking roads for us to make us safer. They were not afraid of us. They did not wear riot gear.
What was the difference? One was about rape culture and feminism. One was about racism. And cops are racist. And so they get defensive. And they escalate the situation. And they attack protesters. The problem is so glaringly obvious and it's infuriating that people won't see it
Watching videos of what cops are doing to protesters makes me sick. I want to scream and I want to cry and I know that as bad as it is for me, I'm in a position of EXTREME privilege and my feelings don't compare to those of the black community
Cops should be blocking roads to make your path safer. They should be wearing usual uniforms, not riot gear. They should not be beating you or shooting you or macing you. Not while you protest, and not ever.
I've donated. I've signed petitions. I'm trying my best to share information. It's not enough and it'll never be enough. I don't know how anyone in power can live with this. Laws need to change. We need to dismantle the system that is rigged against people of color.
I don't know why I'm writing this thread. I'm just so overwhelmed and didn't know where to put these thoughts so here they are.
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