The book "How Non-Violence Protects The State" gets used by a lot of people who think in super simplistic and reductive terms. As @LunaOi_VN said last week, the U.S. really lacks dialectical thinking. 1/
Violence /also/ bolsters the state, and the state has a vested interest in painting peaceful protesters AS violent when they are not. This includes a RICH history of infiltrating orgs, trying to sew the seeds of violence, and joining protests to break shit. 2/
If you read those last two tweets as a condemnation of violence, then re-read 'em. Don't be simplistic and absolutist. The point is that both violence and non-violence /can/ benefit the state. What matters is that they are applied STRATEGICALLY. 3/
The "white anarchists" breaking shit in Reno today were not working in accordance with the black organizers in Reno. This is happening all over the place. Could it be cops starting shit? Totally. Who knows. Point being, organize strategically and don't just go wreck shit. 4/
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