Is Kaido getting killed by Zoro ?
A group within the One Piece fandom is convinced of that and the rest of the fandom is opposed to the idea.
To support their theory, they often post those 4 now iconic pieces of ā€œevidenceā€
This small thread is my 2 cents on the subject
One thing is sure that they are right about a parallel between Zoro and Ryuma from Monsters, similar character design and in the Monsters one shot Shirano is the bootleg version of Mihawk. Itā€™s evident that Zoro ā€˜s side of the story emulates a bit of Ryuma from Monsters
It would be logical for Zoro to slay the first dragon he meets in the story just like Ryuma... What ?! He already did slay a similar dragon ? the same way Ryuma did to boot ? Look at that ... How strange, itā€™s as if Oda intentionally drew both scenes to emulate their parallel šŸ¤­
Zoro is related to the Shimotsuki, this surely has to play a role in killing Kaido ! Look ! Zoro befriended a descendant of Ryuma, they became friends and he got assassinated by Kaid-Hum Orochi šŸ¤” Why would Oda not give Zoro a motive to target Kaido specifically ? Why Orochi ? šŸ¤”
Oda systematically refused to give Zoro a specific personal grudge against Kaido (but has no problem doing so for Orochi) in fact the only time he mentioned fighting Kaido itā€™s as a group. While Luffy throughout the arc was focused on one target to defeat and it wasnā€™t Orochi
The most important piece of ā€œevidenceā€ they have about Zoro Killing Kaido is Enma !
The weapon hyped falsely as the only one to have cut Kaido. Neglecting Ame no Habakiri which also cut Kaido.
This argument made sense before Odenā€™s flashback.
Now itā€™s fake news
Kaido didnā€™t get cut because of the swords were special rather it was because of the swords wielder, the main man, the beast, the legend : Shimotsuki Oden himself
He dominated Kaido strength wise, overcame his scales and even made him sweat through his scales
The only way Zoro is Killing Kaido is if heā€™s now way stronger than Oden:
The man that made prime Whitebeard sweat buckets,
The man who didnā€™t get knocked out from a named attack from the strongest pirate ever.

Zoroā€™s current level has to be higher since Kaidoā€™s stronger now
Zoro struggled catching his breath using Enma once meanwhile 10 yo Oden was casual using it. He passed out for several hours from a stabbing wound and was out of breath after fighting no names ninjas. I seriously doubt heā€™s as strong as Oden meaning he canā€™t kill Yonko Kaido
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