Just came from the BLM march in Grand Rapids. Things escalated and got violent BECAUSE of the cops. They approached the group in full riot gear, stood behind plate gas with their fucking rubber bullet guns and started throwing tear gas at PEACEFUL PROTESTERS
The level of COWARDICE from the GRPD. Standing behind PLATE GLASS WINDOWS IN RIOT GEAR. Sending drones and helicopters over the crowd-officers on the rooftops of surrounding buildings. Not surprising but disappointing
Done talking about this now because BLM isn’t about me but this is what I witnessed today at a march and rally that were for the most part, completely peaceful until GRPD broke out riot gear. Stay safe friends
PLEASE do not engage with the ignorance on this thread in the replies-they are trying to detract from the real issue. If you would like to do something direct your energy into donating to folks in Minnesota who need bail money. GR doesn’t have one (yet) https://minnesotafreedomfund.org/ 
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