Hey everyone! I want to open the Bone Herder AMA with a quick note about what's happening right now.

As a black woman my heart aches. Black Lives Matter. We matter. We should be respected simply because we exist. A riot is the language of the unheard.

And black people have been ignored, beaten, and downtrodden since we were forcibly brought to this country

But still we rise, we create, and we prevail. Our mark is entwined with the very fabric of this nation from our music, our style, our language, and more

In this time, I believe arts are important. I would even venture that Black Lives in the arts matter. We deserve to be fully realized characters. Little black girls deserve to see hair that looks like theirs. Boys deserve to see have joy. We are a multitude not a singularity

That is why I am so excited about The Bone Herder. It show cases a black fantasy character in an often Western centric genre.

I wanted to envision my own world. With people that like look me. That live, care, and love.

With that - welcome to the #BoneHerder AMA :)

Also, you can ask about anything within reason not just Bone Herder tuff.
You can follow @Zlanier21.
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