#VPStories [thread] 10 months into VP

If I set my VP start date to the 1st pic I took using a PM it's that SotC one February 18th 2018.

I was shooting games without PM before and I didn't use any other PM (apart from warframe Captura) before July 15th 2019 with those next 3 📸
That's with #SpidermanPS4 that I started to really enjoy Photo Modes, and to work on my pictures a bit more seriously.

I am an IRL photo lover too so it was interesting to me to learn new things... from impossible angle to action shots.
End of August 2019...
Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War were games I played and enjoyed, but never really looked at in a VP perspective, so I went back, seeing how popular it was around here.

But for some reason, I never got a huge amount of pictures of those... 🤔😅
Then, something happened... Me, hater of Assassin's Creed for years... started to see SO MANY different shots from ACO that I looked into it... and my VP life changed. The variety offered by this game made me try everything. Portraits, action, landscapes... and ReShade... 🤯
The door to the external tools was opened... and slowly I started to look for games with visual strong identity to practivce even more my shots... I met @ControlRemedy... Looking back at it now, I guess experimentations on colors were my main focus with this masterpiece!
October 2019.
Being now some kind of addict to Photo Modes I try to go back to TLOU, a game that I was never able to enjoy
Unfortunately it'll turn short as the PM I found there was particularly hard to love.

I still learned surprisingly a lot about B&W a genre I fear very much!
Errands in different games, trying different shots... My long time relax friend Elite Dangerous, or my grinder Destiny 2... but nothing really excites me as much as I'd like.

November 2019. RDR2 comes on PC

I discover proper camera tools. That's a WHOLE NEW world spreading before my eyes.
It's litterally the Wild West for me. I try to push my comfort zones, I experiment a lot, I PLAY VP very very much.

Freedom feeling is real, thanks to camera tools
December 2019... The lats Star Wars is at range, I'm excited -oh boy how am I sad now but anyways...- it's the perfect timing for me to jump in #JediFallenOrder and see what the fuss is all about...

I don't like the game TBH (until the very last segment) but I enjoy shooting it!
Using again those magic tools and seeing how I can now control camera in cinematics, make the portrait training very pleasant and efficient!

I start to shoot and learn MUCH more than in other games just because of the number of slightly different shots I get from frame to frame.
And every time I learn something in a game, I try to go back and apply it to other games...
Portraits, colors, B&W, lighetening... there's so much to learn everywhere...

(those shots are from : Odyssey, Spider-Man, Shadow of the Colossus and Star Citizen)
In February 2020, Days Gone knowk at my door, bought for me by 2 awesome guys... I start to feel a bit more confident in what I like to shoot, and I understand now me need to find my own ways to represent games I play...
I was always (IRL photography times already) obsessed with composition. Seeing lines and dynamics between my elements, trying to lead the eye where I want... Days Gone might be the game where I like to do it the most.
Sometimes I meet a specific character that I get a bit obsessed with... another opportunity to practice portraits, and impossible crushes 💕
And here I am : rinsing and repeating. Going back and forth between games, testing what I learned... A virtuous wheel of Virtual Photography if you ask me!

And I hope I'll keep it spinning as long as possible! I hate to shut myself in one specific game or type of shots!
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