1. Rod Rosenstein, Chris Wray and Dana Boente were involved the Wolfe cover-up; and the control move against Assange to protect the fraudulent basis for, and downstream purpose of, Mueller's investigation.
2. There were two groups in two administrations that held a similar purpose.

"Group One" was the original coup team; from the Obama era; and includes all of the names people are familiar with.
3. "Group Two" was the continuation group who picked up after Trump took office. Group two includes many names and appointees from the Trump administration.

The Group-2 goal was to cover for Group-1 and continue the effort beyond 2017.
4. Andrew McCabe and Dana Boente were both in Group-1 and carried over into Group-2.
5. Ironically, there is likely to be more accountability on Group-2 than Group-1 because the effort lost effectiveness over time.

Group-2 remainers are essentially naked and under greater risk as the investigation continues. It's worth remembering that.
6. Group-1 (Obama team) had Group-2 to protect them. However, Group-2 (operators in the Trump term) do not have back-up to cover for them.

Hence, Group-2 is more exposed.
7. Group-2, which includes current FBI Director Chris Wray, have to count on U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr desiring to maintain the institutions instead of providing such a severe level of brutal sunlight that risks those institutions completely collapsing.
8. However, there is a risk for Group-1 in that Group-2 may negotiate for safe exit by agreeing to snitch on the activity of Group-1; at least the part they participated in.

It's a very complex needle Bill Barr is attempting to thread.
9. As the AG navigates through this dynamic, Group-1 has every motive to create chaos and make Barr's job even more difficult.

Not only does chaos create the convenient cover of crisis (Alinsky mindset), it also stimulates a greater need to preserve institutions.
10. Group-1 knows how to use chaos as a cover; and Group-1 knows they can count on allied media in their approach. They have decades of experience.
11. “The seditious Group-1 filled the DOJ/FBI fire truck water tanks with gasoline, & then they lit the House on fire with Mueller. General Flynn was one of the victims trapped on the roof while the neighborhood shouted at fire Chief Barr “put out the f**king fire you idiots“..
12. Meanwhile, there’s several firefighters (Group-2) who know what’s in the water tanks; and they were standing, smiling, hoses at the ready, some even cheering-on the angry shouts from the crowd.

It looked like they had Barr cornered.

Then something serendipitous happened.
13. Remember that FISA Court-ordered sequestration of evidence from the FBI exploitation of the FISA application used against Carter Page?

14. That FISC order required AG Bill Barr to re-review any/all investigations that used any information that stemmed from fraudulently obtained FISA warrants.

That meant reviewing all the targets tangentially connected to the fraudulent FISA.
15. What did the FBI do with the Title-1 surveillance warrant they received from the court? What material did they collect? Was that material then used in other proceedings and: “disseminated to DOJ prosecutors and other persons outside the FBI”?
16. To accomplish this task Barr then initiated U.S. Attorney's to review cases. How many initial USAO's were brought in?
17. FIVE. One of them was Jeff Jensen from Missouri.

How many targets were in the Rosenstein scope memo to Robert Mueller? Again, FIVE.

One USAO brought in to review the cases against each target. Five targets, Five USAO's.
18. It was immediately after the FISC order when AG Barr had US Attorney Jeff Jensen start looking through the evidence against Flynn.

That review created a cascading amount of sunlight as Jensen revealed previously undisclosed material.
19. The FISC order became a clean water fire truck allowing Bill Barr to exit the trap set by Group-1, without relying on the duplicity of Group-2.

Essentially dealing with the fire.

Flynn’s legal status identified as an outcropping of a fraudulently predicated investigation.
20. Group-2 is no longer smiling.

It appears AG Bill Barr has escaped the trap and worked around them.

As a consequence, chaos is now needed by both groups more than ever. And then what happened....

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