My level of risk for Covid-19 is too high for me to protest myself, so I decided to make this thread for the protesters out there. The info in this thread was gathered by a friend of mine who's out there protesting every chance he gets.
Firstly, wear baggy clothes that hide your body's shape and avoid brand names. Try to look like everyone else so its harder for cops to find things to identify you by. And of course, wear hats, gloves, masks, and goggles. Not only for Covid, but also for the tear gas.
If you have heat resistant gloves, wear them. If a tear gas canister is near enough, you can use them to pick it up and either throw it back at the cops or away from the crowd in general. It's too hot for normal gloves so be careful.
Secondly, try to bring waters, snacks, first aid, a small umbrella, and you ID. I know it seems counterintuitive to bring your ID when you don't want to be identified, but if your hurt and need medical attention or you get arrested, your ID can be of great help.
If you find yourself in either of those situations, throw your ID toward te nearest protester and ask them for help. Either with your bail (more info bellow) or with your injury. If your injured, they'll notify the ambulence or urgent care staff of your information.
If you bring your phone with you, put it on airplane mode or turn it off. Cops, as my friend said, "Can and Will ID your locations via phones."
Thirdly, look out for undercover cops. They'll be wearing civilian clothes and likely stirring up trouble. If your not sure, look for a colored band around their arm. The color changes constantly, known as the "color of the day" to allow officers to identify each other.
Fourthly, if you see someone get arrested, get their contact info. Name, address, number, and emergency contacts. Watch for their bail and try to donate to get them free. Not every place will allow this but you should definitely try.
Fifthly, if someone's been tear gassed, use water. Milk will cause an infection. Water may irritate their eyes, but its the best option.

Go to the corner of their eye, near the ear. Hold the eyebrow taut and try to get the eye open a little.
The gassed person should be on their knees looking up at you, with their hands either at their sides or behind their backs for better access.

Then flush the eyes with the prepared water.
Those protesters that are undocumented, you should start staying home. I knwo you want to protest and stand up for yours and your friend's rights, but ICE is now being called out to protests. Its more dangerous for you now and I don't want to see such great people get deported.
Finally, if you haven't yet, maybe sign this Justice For George Floyd petition 
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