I take absolutely no joy in this happening, but I hope one thing that might come out of it is a clear understanding among members of the media about just how out-of-control the police are, and how little faith reporters should put in the "official" story https://twitter.com/mollyhf/status/1266911382613692422
Shooting press in the face with rubber bullets https://twitter.com/KillerMartinis/status/1266786161143537669?s=19
Firing tear gas and rubber bullets at news crews in Minneapolis https://twitter.com/MSNBC/status/1266913892334174208?s=19
Firing flash-bangs at news crews at close range https://twitter.com/dcexaminer/status/1266914819086712832?s=19
Firing pepper-spray guns at local news at close range for no reason at all https://twitter.com/GuthrieGF/status/1266552085870493697?s=19
Blasting an @msnbc anchor with tear gas canisters during a live broadcast https://twitter.com/ppolitics/status/1266916778187292672?s=19
Firing rubber bullets at, then arresting, a photojournalist https://twitter.com/cjzero/status/1266921035800199170?s=19
Arresting @letsgomathias as he films officers chasing and assaulting fleeing protestors https://twitter.com/BrandyZadrozny/status/1266926816146739201?s=19
Firing rubber bullets at a @CBSNews crew https://twitter.com/MikeGeorgeCBS/status/1266916104951214080?s=19
Not a journalist but honorable mention to cops in Columbus pepper spraying a United States Congresswoman https://twitter.com/TimWCBD/status/1266787064735043591?s=19
Firing on this crew they just made national news for arresting mid-broadcast 🙄 https://twitter.com/BostonJerry/status/1266910466317705217?s=19
LAPD doesn't want to be left out, firing rubber bullets at a reporter anticlimactic identifying herself https://twitter.com/cerisecastle/status/1266878695555231747?s=19
Denver PD getting in on the action with a full frontal assault on a reporter who's live on air https://twitter.com/3vanSutton/status/1266914710773018624?s=19
Whole bunch of additional examples across the country in Angus' thread here https://twitter.com/studentactivism/status/1266927169877483522?s=19
NBD, just cops point blank pepper spraying members of the media who are on the ground and holding up their press badges https://twitter.com/MichaelAdams317/status/1266945268567678976?s=19
You can follow @3vanSutton.
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