Being a bottom line kind of girl..I usually wait until the end of a thread..but today it seems appropriate to begin with it!

BOTTOM LINE: Someone lost a rigged election and remains butt hurt! The Liberal/Socialists will stop at NOTHING to regain POWER and further their AGENDA!
Notice I didn't call it the Democratic Party. True Democrats no longer exist..they left their base homeless and without representation! The JFK Democrats were abandoned. Even JFK today would be considered a Nationalist.
We have two things occurring in our Country right now. Black Americans are trying to be heard with a grievance. ANTIFA and paid Anarchists are hijacking their message! Example..peaceful Floyd protest in ATL ends at 6PM..they go home! ENTER - the rioters to destroy and loot!
If you don't know the Saul Alinsky Rules for is the time to get familiar. They love to place blame on the innocent party.. Blame the other side for what you do! @realDonaldTrump has ZERO to do with these riots and in the end will be the one to stop them!
AG Barr has addressed the crossing of state lines as being illegal and the Justice Department is working on it. The wheels of Justice grind slowly but hopefully we will see some significant arrests. The Liberal orgs who are funding this mess need to be brought down!
Malcolm X in retrospect was a man that was a bit before his time. Read the meme and listen to what he has to say..White Liberals are who to fear. Read this just the other day by Tariq.. I don't know him but he said it also!
Who are these "White Liberals"? I don't think they necessarily have to possess white skin. Look at the Cities being rioted in.. THAT is who the "White Liberals" are in my mind. NO LEADERSHIP .. NO PLAN .. but to get power and control US! Don't ya just love soy boys socks?
Jak better watch his step or he might end up in some pretty hot water.. He is allowing his platform to direct the riots! Does that make him an accomplice? You can delete things..but screenshots last forever!
Any Attorney's out there that can answer this? Soros owns AutoZone and big parts of Target.. so if he is found to have directed this..wouldn't it be crime to burn your own businesses to the ground? Fraudulent insurance claims? Remember Al Capone..went down for taxes!
Ultimately.. just remember what we see and what we are told is nothing but a bunch of propaganda BS! There is NO RACE war.. no one hating on anyone..THAT my friends is their goal..DIVIDE and CONQUER! The issue between the Police and Black America.. another thread!
God Bless and keep @realDonaldTrump safe and give him the wisdom he needs to bring us through this. And God Bless America.. this land that we all love so much! Stay safe America!
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