It’s the end of #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth , and with everything going on I wanted to share some statistics on race and mental health specifically focusing on the black community, along with some resources at the end. (TW: brief mention of PTSD & S*icide) THREAD:
DISCLAIMER: I am not a therapist nor a mental health professional of any kind. none of this is medical advice, just some statistics and resources i found through research. but I just want people who are not speaking up in any capacity to know one thing:
It was not HARD to educate myself on any of this. it certainly was not hard to FIND any of this information. and it was not a waste of my time to learn how to do my part.
do YOUR part to help. whether that means signing petitions, donating money, doing research or even just listening to your black friends, do your fucking part. don't do it for praise, or clout. do it because it's what's right. alright, onto the actual thread:
mental health disorders do not discriminate based on race, gender, or identity, but these factors can impact the ability to access mental health treatment and ultimately make it more difficult.
the disparities and inequalities in the health care system cross into mental health care as well. these issues are defined by unequal access to health care and the fact that white people are more likely to have access to resources and can afford them-
while those in black communities are less likely to receive or reach out for help. here are some statistics:
not having a doctor that looks like you is more detrimental to black people because their doctor, if non-black, will be unable to empathize with the issues that specifically affect their community-
such as the historical and modern mistreatment by authority figures, who as we have seen respond with violence and outright discrimination.
the recent murder of George Floyd is one of many on a long list of black men and women who have been killed by the police, and the results of these horrific crimes are grief, depression, anxiety, and trauma within the black community that often goes unnoticed or untreated.
below are some resources that I hope will help those of you in the black community get any help or advice that you need. And if you're non-black, take the time to read through these resources and educate yourselves. #BlackLivesMatter
“Ourselves Black is a place where we own the narrative and are unapologetic about our goal: to share imagery and tell stories infused with knowledge that promotes Black mental health. “- Executive Editor, Sarah Y. Vinson M.D. 
“It is important to emphasize that we, as Black Americans, are not at all responsible for the existence or experience of racism and unfairly are burdened with the responsibility of coping with the painful existence of these oppressive experiences.”
“For many Black people practicing social distancing, the need for virtual resources has never been more clear. So, I’ve compiled a list of six more mental health resources, in addition to Ethel’s Club, that are providing virtual support to the Black community right now. “:
“We center the needs of marginalized populations, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, the LGBTQ+ community, neurodivergent folx, and people with disabilities.

We are a mental health justice movement pursuing equity and liberation through advocacy and activism.”:
donate to this non-profit organization that provides support to the health and wellbeing of black people and other vulnerable communities: 
sorry for the length of this thread, but I wanted to include as much information as I could. I'm still learning every day how to be a successful ally, so if anything I said is unhelpful or wrong, please tell me.
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