We walked from 125th and It was going fine until we hit union square. NYPD told us to go down one street & when we did an entourage of wagons & cops on bikes were waiting for us. That’s when the mace, Batons & pushing started & NYPD would not give us a chance to get out. https://twitter.com/waywardwinifred/status/1266855962155069441
I’ve never experienced this kind of aggression- it really was scary and I’m not one to be scared. The cops with bikes shoved us with their bikes with so much force we fell over each other. Then others came with their batons and were swinging so hard. I couldn’t believe it.
2 women were maced so bad they were screaming they went blind. We panicked & grabbed milk + water to wash their faces. I tried wiping 1 girls eyes with my shirt so she can try to open her eyes while others formed a line around us b/c cops kept came & screamed at us to fkn leave.
Even when we all cleared the area they came for us on the side walks. I kept telling them to stop and to just give us a clear order of where they want us and they’re response was “there’s nothing to fkn talk about” as they assaulted us.
There was no way to calm the situation. My face stung too much. My phone died & I couldn’t find a cab. I walked to 42nd to try there. I heard someone yell my name. It was my @ICNARelief friends doing food distribution. That’s how I started my day & how I’m ending it now.
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