When you train cops for hostile crowd control & buy them oversized military weapons designed for hostile crowd control, they get *pumped up to do hostile crowd control*. They're excited for this; it's what they've been preparing for.
None of their training or skills are around de-escalation and they don't really *want* to de-escalate, as images from around the country are illustrating. This is The Show for them, the big moment where they get to show how tough they are. Why would they want to avert it?
"Urban warfare." They are so pumped for this. https://twitter.com/MnDPS_DPS/status/1266865889552588801
It's the police escalating, in city after city. https://twitter.com/LAM_Barrett/status/1266918543574130688
How many times will military combat units be called to domestic protests before it starts seeming routine & normal? How long until they start shooting? https://twitter.com/kenklippenstein/status/1266895430643826689
Military vehicles rolling through American streets, intimidating civilians. Imagine what you'd think if you saw it happening in another country. https://twitter.com/tkerssen/status/1266921821653385225
If the cops simply hadn't shown up at these protests, would there have been more violence or less? https://twitter.com/voxdotcom/status/1266944034628669445
A compilation of state violence against people protesting injustice. https://twitter.com/stevemullis/status/1266979219566989313
Military testosterone and military weapons, without the military training or military discipline. https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1267176238960922624
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