my tl is messy in a way that i randomly tweet my advocacy towards different issues (whats going around the world and esp my country) in my other accs least for now, this isn't just a fanacc. 😔 (1/?)
the main challenge has been about the covid, it shouldn't stop us from being silent. if you haven't had any opinion, EDUCATE yourself. read more about the news, see for yourself. and make a decision. i hope that you will use it to voice out whats wrong.
i NEVER understood why people of color must be treated this way, i am an advocate of EQUALITY. i have high principles that embody that. yall don't know me, im a shy girl irl.

but this ain't about that. i am usually scared to speak up generally.
but with all these problems piling up, i have learned to see the reality. the harsh and cruel reality. SO PLEASE! i urge everyone to participate, any clicks to petitions would MAKE DIFFERENCE.

#BlackLivesMatters #RAISETHEDEGREE
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