I’ve been thinking. Big civil rights change doesn’t usually come incrementally. It comes in large chunks when the populous gets fed up; they can’t take it anymore. Look at segregation. Look at women’s sufferage. We’re here now. This is, I feel, one of those big moments.

What’s different today is that we have a President who isn’t likely to listen to the people. Instead he creates his own reality and his own narrative. The people see through this. So how will this play out? I don’t see the people getting tired of protesting. Not without results.
I also don’t see widespread systemic change from the federal government. Are we at an impasse? If yes, what is the ultimate outcome?

I truly don’t know. But I do know this. I’m more concerned about the lives of black folks than I am about some stores and businesses.

So the message is getting muddled. It’s getting lost in the mainstream media reporting. It’s not about peaceful protests vs the protests you don’t like.


Where is it? Who is suggesting solutions?

No one is!

And that’s what I don’t understand.

So my message to the protesters (since there’s no chance of anyone from the government listening to me) is this:

Stay out there. Keep at it. Stay safe. Do not relent.

They’re actually terrified, petrified of the power the people, en masse, wield.

Wield it. Do not yield.

Nothing worthwhile was ever gained without sacrifice. This path is not an easy one, but it IS a noble one.

Stay strong. Demand systemic change. And you will be victorious.

Don’t believe me? Look to history for your answer.
The truth, the absolute TRUTH, is this:

We are all brothers and sisters, family intertwined, interconnected at the spiritual level.

Some people have been twisted against this fundamental, cardinal fact.

Make them see. Make them understand. And do not, do not give up.
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