I wanted to share a few ways you can help protesters/pro-Black orgs in Texas! Just like in other states, they've been met with violence and hostility from cops: pepper spray, rubber bullets, arrests, etc.. Please donate if you can (NOTHING IS TOO LITTLE) or share! Thread:
Black Lives Matter: Houston is an org dedicated to the BLM movement and the Black community in Houston. This is their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BLMHOU/  Donations go towards their bail fund among other efforts: http://paypal.me/BLMHOU 
@restoringjustic is a Houston nonprofit that provides legal and social services to marginalized ppl in jail. Donate: https://www.restoringjustice.org/give 
Texas Civil Rights Project ( @TXCivilRights) has resources for protesters who have been abused by the police. You can also find orgs to be aware of linked on their pages. https://txcivilrights.org/ 
Black Mamas ATX ( @BlackMamasATX) is a Travis County org dedicated to helping Black women. Their website: https://blackmamasatx.com/ 
I've donated to two of these places so far and will donate more in the weeks to come. Again, nothing is too little! Pay attention, don't stay silent, boost Black voices, AND SPEAK THE FUCK UP, online and offline. Stay safe, stay mad, stay vigilant 💜💜💜
I'll probably add more to this thread later. For now, I'll close by linking an antifascist's advice for protesting safely and smartly: https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/1266332878725541888
You can follow @jayygayysbyy.
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