Just got home from the protest by the grove. A couple of observations... the protest started out completely peaceful. Everyone was wearing a mask.
Idk what was going on here but I liked it.
This is where the mood started to change. A massive police presence blocking the road. More cop cars than I could count.
Still, the only people I saw breaking the law were white. Climbing busses, telephone poles, cars. Very few black people were doing anything that could even be considered mildly “rowdy.”
Shortly after, we went up the block- I saw two dudes running. Smoke. I had the instinct to grab my friend and run. I looked behind me while running and saw tens of dozens of people running behind me. A stampede. A car pulled up on me and offered me water. More smoke. Tear gas?
Then I saw two muscle cars ripping around in circles nearly hitting protestors. One false move and they could’ve ended up on the sidewalk, hurting people. They weren’t black either.
At that point I left. The protest is for fighting the systemic oppression and murder of black people. Instead, it became crazy white people coming out of the woodwork to instigate chaos. Your privilege is showing through a thin veil of “support” and puts POC more at risk.
Who you think is going to take the fall for the fire you just started? You the white person? Or the black person standing nearby? If you think it’s the former you’re not paying attention.
Lowkey felt like an open mic where a bunch of white dudes go to workout their issues. Do that on your time and dime.
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