So seeing all of these videos of riots makes me sick because over half of them now are breaking into places and stealing. This isn’t how we should act stealing from business is wrong and there’s no way you can justify that. Vandalism is in no way shape or form the correct way..
To do things what are we trying to say? Are we trying to say we want justice or are we trying to say fuck it and we don’t care about our community. I understand people are pissed off I understand that they want justice. Hell I want justice for Floyd as well.
This isn’t the way to do things nothing will ever be solved if these people continue to destroy property. Nothing will change if they keep stealing. Yes let your voice be heard and let them know that what happened was completely wrong. I’m going to just say one last thing.
For all of you out there supporting the movement for justice you doing the right thing. For those of you out there supporting the vandalism and out right stupidity of stealing because you can’t act right and respect people’s property you guys need to stop.
Nothing good will come of this if we the people keep doing what we’re doing right now.
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