COVID and Race Riots in relation to DECLAS and the elections.

How are they connected? ARE they connected? Who benefits from all of the fear porn that’s being rammed down our throats? What do they have to lose if people actually wake?
Well, that’s the rabbit hole we are heading down.
First off let me help you with some terminology that I tend to use interchangeably. If I say Deep State, I also mean corrupt CIA, FBI, IRS, Soros, Rothschild etc. they are all part of the many-headed hydra that is the Deep State.
COVID and its scare I don’t need to get into much detail about. It's obvious at this point that while there IS a COVID bug, it's not been as deadly nor as epic as was being mass pushed. Death tolls are even known to be so skewed as to be laughable at this point.
Even the threat of a “second wave” was met with mostly incurious shrugs as if to say “Is that all you have? Meh…”
So, how do you keep the fires of FEAR stoked so that the herd is easier to control? BTW, if you ever wanted to know the solution to Q’s question of “how do you catch a very dangerous animal?”, its through fear. As fear is the easiest of base emotions to manipulate.
So back to fear and the human herd. After the short-term success of the COVID fear, the Deep State needed a new fearporn extravaganza to push. And make no mistake, this IS the Deep State at their “finest” and normal behavior.
Well, luckily for us, their playbook is rather limited, so they tend to revert back to the same things time and again. Russia, philandry, racial division, and pandemic. AH! The dice rolled racial division again. It DID work very well during the Obama era.
The setup was done by none other than their sitting Presidential Candidate, Bumbling Joe Biden. Man, that guy is a mess, but is it for real? I think a very large portion of it is an act honestly, a precursor to a dementia plea when his time in front of the judge rolls by.
His roll in this was this LOVELY racial gaff video that made the rounds a couple of weeks ago, pushed hard even by the MSM (which alone should be a tell that it’s a setup).
Ok, objective complete. We have black vs white back in everyone’s mind. Next step? We need a very public murder. Hmm.. a white cop, a black suspect who very well could be innocent. PERFECT! That will be the perfect springboard for riots and shenanigans. Notice the "POLICE" plate?
Let’s dig into that a bit further. Let’s look at the players involved in the now-famous video, which I will not repost, its easy enough for you to find if you so wish.
Read the following screencaps from Facebook. Even if it isn’t 100% correct, there is enough meat there to make you go hmm….
The “cop” has been seen at other suspected FF events as an actor? Is he really a crisis actor?
We have the same Doctor who did the EPSTEIN autopsy doing the autopsy on George Floyd? WTF over? Can you GET any more Deep State than this?
Then the “protest” setups. I have no doubt that initially, the protest in Minneapolis was in good intent, and I support their goals full-heartedly. A police department that has a history of abuse of power and force needs to have the spotlight shined on them brightly.
But as with anything good, the Deep State is there and ready to twist it to their own ends. Remember, it was a famous Democrat advisor to Obama who said, “never let a crisis go to waste”. So, in roll the Soros infiltrated and funded BLM and Antifa.
BTW this is the 328BG Device that they were referencing. A burner phone…. not very grassroots like eh?
Observe the nature of how it works. Look at how organized this is. Does it FEEL like a grassroots effort? Or the effort of a major governmental agency that pretty much epitomizes the Deep State?
Look at all of these cities that “organically” had riots. Many of these don’t even have large minority populations!
Take a good look at that list of cities again. Any bets on what party mayor runs each? Most, if not every single one, will be a Democrat. Why? They have so much to lose, including in many cases their lives, if all of their truths come out.
List of planned Antifa protests.. this is a good one to be aware of and steer clear of these areas. I know I will be
Pre-planned and dropped bricks that just happen to be in a protest area in Dallas?
Twitter callout to be in Seattle for a riot on the 29th?
So, this is about the mistreatment of a black man at the hands of the police? This video is in Dallas. Hmmm…
Preplanned phone numbers, multiple postings online in different cities, for when you get arrested. These folks will bail you out etc…
People FLYING in from all over to protest in Minneapolis? Don’t these people have jobs that they need to work? Or is THIS their job?
The completely unbiased and non-inflammatory, Ilhan Omar posting up her thoughts…yes, she’s Deep State
Another “Cop” who helped get the rioting off the ground in Minneapolis it seems, though it's being denied. Well, of COURSE, they will deny it.
Oh hey! Let’s make sure that we complete the distraction by making sure we riot AT THE WHITE HOUSE! Because you know Trump directly was involved with George Floyd's death /sarc.
Ok so what has all of this to do with distraction. Well, the Mockingbird media HAS to cover something. If it bleeds it leads. The bleeding can be literal, or emotional, or reputational. But it HAS to bleed for it to roll.
If Russia, Females, Impeachment, and COVID weren’t going to work as distractions from what IS happening and what IS coming, then they need something else to take center stage. Voila, riots in the streets.
But what is happening that would need riots in the streets to cover? Two things right now specifically. DECLAS of the Flynn/FISA documents, which DO implicate pretty much the whole Obama admin, including Obama himself.
The Deep State can’t afford for people to find out the depth of depravity and evil that its puppets engage in on a regular basis. As soon as the public learns the truth, its over for the Deep State. The truth about Obama and Biden comes out, bye-bye election.
I live in one of the very few states that mail-in ballots are the ONLY way to vote, by law. Believe me, we have seen first hand for 20 years how easily the elections get manipulated to the outcome desired by “them”.
So ALL of this, COVID, Riots, Russia, Impeachment, etc, has to do with the 2020 Presidential Election. Every last scrap of it. Make no mistake, when the Deep State loses this election, they have nowhere else to run. They are DONE.
I hope that this has helped paint a fuller picture of what you are seeing on the news right now, and allows you to rise above the doubt and fear that those moving images will no doubt foster. DON’T GIVE IN. We win TOGETHER.
Please remember, WWG1WGA.

As always, thank you for reading.
Going to keep adding to this as I find relevant stuffs. This is posted in Thurston County Wa, home of the State capitol.... notice prominently shown are both the local democrat party info AND funded by George Soros....
Minnesota Democrat governors daughter giving out info to her Antifa pals about National Guard plans and preparedness. This is an act of war BTW.... she just got a noose with her name on it via the Federal Government.
And more brick stacks, this time in Fayetteville...
How about agitprop organizers actively working the riots directing violence.
If there were only a military word for this like Captain..... yeah, just a bunch of people gathered randomly.
This was all about the unjust killing of a black man right? Apparently irony IS lost...
Now this is interesting. Antifa Manual/Manifesto .. this is the Dropbox that was posted to a friend, so expect this to go away quickly. I saved the PDF offline already, but will save posting it on my own until this one is gone.
Some whacky shit here folks
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