I wish y’all could see what is being said by this middle aged White woman in the Damascus town center page on the post about the peaceful protest. She shit that she’s saying. Publicly. WITH HER ENTIRE CHEST.
Nvm now it’s like half the town chiming in and joining her dumbass
The post ended up getting deleted and these were some of the only comments that I managed to screenshot beforehand.
The post ended up getting deleted and these were some of the only comments that I managed to screenshot beforehand.
After almost two hundred comments on the entire post, we were left with this one lmfao
There has been new posts in the town center group and now the racists are out and proud, loud as fuck too. This is Damascus, everyone.
The comments are just rolling in and only getting worse.
These were some of the first comments on Kierra’s post, but it seems like he just now deleted his comments. This man said like 20 comments worth of things but unfortunately this was what I got earlier. I may not have all the screenshots, but the ones I do have can’t be deleted
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