I’ll probably sound like a broken record, but people should not have to protest to be treated like human fucking beings. This isn’t just a black people problem. It’s everyone’s problem...
And it will continue to be everyone’s problem until no one has to be afraid to step out of their house because of what they look like.
Sign petitions, donate, protest if you’re able. Daytime protests tend to be peaceful. Talk about this to people IRL.
I retweeted this already, but for the sake of convenience, here is a good list of resources/links https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ 
And if you have the gall to throw racist remarks around in the comments, insta block.
ALSO. Don’t come at me with that AllLivesMatter stuff. Yes, human life as a whole matters so much! But it’s like putting a bandage on an unscathed hand before tending to the injured hand.
Injured hand needs more attention atm than the healthy one.
I know, this thread was a bit of a clusterfuck. Y’all know I’m not good at the words thing. Do your part. Help people out.
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