i love bt5, really i do, but i am so upset that b*gh*t still decides to make ppl pay for shows and entertainment during times like this. some people aren't able to pay for rent and b*gh*t over here making ppl pay $20 for a 7 episode documentary.
not only, but some people may use bt5 as a way to get away from reality for a bit bc of their own circumstances. i'm fortunate enough to have a full fridge and a roof over my head but that doesn't mean that everyone else is. smh, there are more important issues going on rn.
i get it that this was all planned before covid and quarantine happened, but even for the live online concert. think about it, ppl are paying to go to the actual live concert and the virtual one. i feel rly bad for those people who want to enjoy these events but just simply can't
it's not just b!gh!t, its other entertainment companies as well
i could go on and on with this thread but ima stop here.
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