All the neighbors on my block are meeting right now to make a plan for tonight. We are going to pile a bunch of random stuff —saw horses, wood, old picnic tables —on the corners in case we need to barricade off the street
We are using the National Night Out email chain to communicate so thank goodness for that. I don’t want to reveal all of our strategies but (because this is MN) we will also offer strangers bottles of water and snacks to confuse and slow down anybody intending to cause damage
One of my non-white neighbors is grateful for us to take this into our own hands saying people of color don’t trust the police and the National Guard
To the people raising concerns about ppl lighting the barricade on fire. I consulted the neighbors. It will be a smallish pile in the middle of the street and the point is to deter people from speeding down the block. we’re not actually going to be able to prevent ppl coming in
We’re going to hang out on our front lawns. Nobody is banking on there being any national guard or police officers since nobody has seen them
My contribution was to recommend everyone move their cars off the street because
People really don’t like the barricade idea. I’m not the leader but I’ll raise your concerns.
One of my neighbors is 9 months pregnant. She’s literally due any minute. They are worried about what to do if she goes into labor. I’ve heard reports of hospitals being evacuated today
My Indian neighbor turned to me and said, it’s really interesting seeing all these white people afraid because this is how we feel all the time.
My armed neighbor (who has at least 4 trump signs) is prepping for tonight. He’s been standing guard with his gun every night. He didn’t come to the meeting, but everyone thanked him when he walked by.
Meeting adjourned.
People think I’m joking.
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