like all societies' Kashmiri society has many faultlines that threaten to implode at any given moment. what is becoming increasingly worrying today is the concerted effort by the indian deep state to widen the Muslim-Sikh gap both inside/outside Kashmir. 1/n - a thread
even though the Muslim community in Kashmir is under terrible duress we cannot gloss over the macro and microaggressions that Sikh community faces on daily basis. 2/n
we have to acknowledge/rectify these aggressions first by cleaning our hearts, rejecting stereotypes, correcting our language, and acknowledging the spirit of humanity that refuses to cease between us. 3/n
and the same is the antidote for sectarianism, regionalism, and general ethnocentrism. the majority of the Sikh community inside Kashmir and outside have unfailingly offered material and emotional solidarity to Kashmiris Muslims through natural and political violence. 4/n
in the aftermath of August 5, 2019, a few examples stand out amongst others, including helping stranded students on war footing, offering support to Kashmiri women threatened by the Hindutva terrorists. 5/n
they have been demonstrating when no one did. they are at the heart of evolving international solidarities. as the evil forces try to chip at this relation: be it an irresponsible tweet here, a brick there - we must note all communities have evil/compromised/uncaring members. 6/n
they should be identified and then our work is to stay wary of them and keep each other aware. we should never forget our differences are smaller than our common goal of
#righttoselfdetermination and #Kashmir's freedom. 7/n
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