I have to say something.

Yes, we have injustices and inequalities in our criminal justice system, from policing to courts to the way people are sentenced and imprisoned. There are a lot of problems that need to be corrected systemically.

But ...
There are about 900,000 cops in this country. And not only did almost none of them had anything to George Floyd’s murder but most would never do anything like that. Most humans wouldn’t.

But most would, if it came down to it, risk their lives to save yours.
Are there bad cops? Are there racist cops out there? Yes. Of course. What are the odds of any group of 900,000 humans not including some people who are deeply troubled?

But we always make a mistake when we make wholesale judgments about ANY large group of individuals.
It’s wrong to assume the worst about a group of people based on their race or religion. It’s also wrong to do the same thing a group of people based on their profession.

There are a lot of good cops out there. And you don’t always hear of them because they DON’T make the news.
We need to demand justice not just for George Floyd but for anyone else who was denied their human rights. We need to make changes to every part of the criminal justice system to prevent people from being treated differently because of their skin color.
But we don’t need to hate. We don’t need to project instances of misbehavior upon nearly a million individuals. Most of whom never did anything to you. And many of whom would put themselves at risk to save your life.
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