One of the barriers I see to understanding the 21C political situation is that people talk like Civil War 2.0 in America (for example) is still to come, and will look like hot conflicts we were used to seeing in the 19-20C. But in a world of 5GW it basically looks like now...
Constant infowar, dynamic unrest, intrastate conflict, proxy wars, a lot of surprise attaqs from 'below and behind' -- also, for those who are lower down, a very unclear sense of who the players even are. Major interstate conflict mostly being a thing of the past.
For example to us it might *appear* that conditions of civil war began to unfold after the Trump election, but likely that was only when an ongoing conflict inside the Elites became too obvious to ignore. A moar likely scenario is it began during the time since 9-11
There began to be some serious disagreements over political objectives inside the Elites and also, a rapidly eroding trust in the regime by the populace. HLI for example downplays intra-Elite struggles but even he has to admit that they're there when the question of DJT came up
The other sauce that I can't find right nao suggested that Flynn and Trump (&others?) had formed a major dissenting bloc against the mainline Neoliberals within the Elites at least since the Obama years. Given how it all went public after that, this is not too hard to believe.
Note that this timeline appears to coincide with the time that major outsider (ChiCom and other) infiltrators made inroads in key areas in the Union such as Silicon Valley & FedGov ... Allegedly, the Trump-Flynn Neo-Majestic 12 was intended to counteract this to some degree
Also Flynn was supposed to be Trump's VP pick, and he continues to be targeted even now, it definitely suggests this is something personal and that the 5GW between the main part of the intel services and the Pentagon is real, ongoing and still of uncertain outcome
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