From the article:

1. Maria Maclachlan was "antagonising" transgender protesters before she was "thrown to the ground and kicked" in Hyde Park.
2. The protest had been organised ahead of a meeting on changes to the Gender Recognition Act, which would allow people to use the gender they identify with on identity documents without the input of a doctor.
3. Ms Maclachlan, 60, had been filming a group who were chanting: "When TERFs attack, we strike back".

#TERF stands for trans-exclusionary radical feminists, who believe that trans people's self-affirmed genders are not valid.
4. Ms Maclachlan claims she was filming the anti-TERF protesters as they chanted: "Who's attacking who?"
5. Ms Wolf said she feared Ms Maclachlan would post an "outing" image of her on , a website she said made transgender people "a target for the far-right".
6. Jodie Anderson, defending, argued that she set out to antagonise the protesters and intended to post footage on her blog and social media to out them as transgender.
7. Ms Maclachlan claims she was filming the anti-TERF protesters as they chanted: "Who's attacking who?"
8. "Ms Maclachlan - who had to be repeatedly told to refer to Ms Wolf as female by Judge Kenneth Grant - admitted she grabbed hold of Ms Wolf's girlfriend and kicked her, believing she had snatched her camera and thrown it to the ground."
9. Maria Maclachlan, who opposes transgender women being granted the same rights as those born female, alleges that Tara Wolf pushed her to the ground and tried to snatch her camera off her during a clash at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park, London, last September.
10. Ms Wolf - who faces one charge of assault by beating - admits being involved in the scuffle but insists she was acting in self-defence.
11. "It made me feel threatened because I have heard what TERFs have done in the past, they take people's pictures, they put them on the internet and they dox (publish personal details about them).

"They've even been known to put people on paedophile watch websites."
12. Ms Wolf admitted posting on Facebook ahead of the event: "I wanna f*** up some TERFs. They're no better than fash (fascists)."
14. Summarizing:

1. TERFs antagonize trans women.
2. TERFs film trans women to out them.
3. women foolishly snatches a camera
4. A TERF assaults a woman
5. Trans woman intervenes, hits TERF on the arm.
6. Someone gets a bruise

7. TERF presses charges
8. Trans woman convicted of minor assault, #TERF make hay.
9. #TERF mouthpiece #MeghanMurphy's @FeministCUrrent amplifies
10. @jk_rowling cuts and pastes, poops her pants.
11. Lesson learned: running one's mouth causes unforseen consequences.
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