The expectation and burden put on student leaders is ridiculous
I’m just sitting here thinking about my predecessors as well as my mentees and it’s the same thing over and over again
Eventually you learn not to waste time and energy on personal criticism

“If it isn’t about my work or something affecting it. I could honestly care less”
-My professional mentor
But still this about to be my last year and I’m perplexed by many things.

1. Where did this expectation come from
2. How can we solve this issue
3. If it’s such a problem why isn’t being told to me first
It took me half a decade but I think I finally figured it out.
1. “Never meet your heroes”

The expectation comes from individuals and somewhat models the bigger society at large. Kinda like celebrities we have this expectation for them to be perfect or always right. When they do something wrong or not your values we have it’s disappointing
I first recognized this when I actually realized I had a “big name” on campus (tbh it ain’t what it’s up to be I.e. this thread)

I removed this underclassmen (im guessing freshman) was geeked to see me. I think they were surprised at my height and I’m actually smaller in person
We had a conversation and we got to talking about politics. They said “aren’t you hoping for the Democrats to win the election” to which is responded “it depends”

They were disappointed. I never actually stated my political view or party but it is what it is I’m not finna lie
Same thing happens in reverse someone expects to be a super liberal and when it comes to somethings I actually prefer a conservative route
All this to say I will never meet your expectations of me. I don’t plan to either. How you feel about me is how you feel but all I can ask is you at least respect me as equal
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