Thread on taking photo/video during protests & demonstrations

The rules for photojournalism during these events have changed a lot. I'm here to give some actionable tips/make sure y'all don't make a fool of yourself

photo/video/creative twitter pls help me spread this 💙
1) You are NOT the story.
You're there to document, not to create a narrative. You're not changing the world, you're there to show the rest of the world what's happening. Be present & let the event unfold in front of you; the only story is the truth.
1) cont.
ALSO if any y'all are there to chase clout, get artsy photos, endanger others, profit in any way from violence/death & create riot porn for mass consumption, please leave. You have no value to society, you're worse than a leech (they've got some medical use at least)
2) Be safe & stay out of the way
Dress to blend & protect yourself. Police are NOT your friends, many have animosity against any type of journalist. It's not always safe w/ protestors either, best to buddy up w/ other documenters
2) Digital Safety
Keep your phone in airplane mode or at home. If you absolutely must back up to the cloud or live stream to broadcast wrongdoing etc I get it but know that your location can be used against you. Walk or bike to the area.

more info on
3) Gear
Pack light but bring decent battery & storage
2 lens max: wide for crowds & zoom for when you're out of the way
Lighting: draws attention, not the best idea 90% of the time
small stabilizer (one handed): for video
Press badge/vest: can help or hurt you so think carefully
3) Gear
Dummy SD: this should have a bunch of photos/video of the event that you keep in your pocket & switch out if cops try to confiscate or force you to delete. Your real SDs should be WELL hidden. I like to use a running belt. It's low profile under your shirt & has pockets
3)Other Gear
safety/anonymity gear: helmet, goggles, gloves, mask, towel, extra clothes etc
mini first aid kit
printed map of the area (also save offline version)
milk or baking soda solution (for tgas)
write vital info on your body (in case of arrest or worse)
4) Coverage
Who, what, where, when, why, how.
Your responsibility is to capture the truth for the people. Beyond that there's no need to hand over your photos & vids to protect oppressors & mega corporations. If your work can clear an individual of charges, step up.
4) Coverage
Avoid taking photos/video of protestors uncovered faces to begin w/, facial recognition is actively being used to find & target protestors (even by ppl who aren't LEOs)
4) Coverage
Other than all that, basic rules of photojournalism and composition apply & this thread isn't to teach you that. Just remember to capture both details & the larger situation
5) Editing & Sharing
hide peoples faces, don't use default blurring options, those rely on an algorithm & are easily reverse engineered for IDing. You want to use a heavy pixelation (mosaic effect in both Photoshop & Premiere) or even manually smudge etc
5) Editing & Sharing
scrub your metadata before uploading, this will remove IDing info like time, date, location, etc some software & cameras even add in your/your business's name & address. PS, LR, PP all let you remove it on export there's also Adobe Bridge & 3rd party tools
5) Editing & Sharing
Be aware that whatever medium you share it to can come under scrutiny. If you're not prepared for this either don't share online, remove public info about yourself or use a trusted 3rd party to share your work
Final thoughts
Protests & demonstrations aren't a place to go have fun, if your work obstructs, infantilizes or harms the objective of the organizers you have no need to invade this space.

Stay safe & remember your responsibility to the truth for the sake of the people.
If you've benefited from this thread drop a few dollars to these bailout funds and donate to small local businesses that have been affected as well (there's a bunch of crowdfunds for them going around too) 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
You can follow @naelriver.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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