It’s easy to post a note, video, or graphic based on the horrible events taking place. We need action from all of us. The African American community has tried tirelessly to stop racism, but it’s up to ALL OF US to change it with our actions. They need us. Our children need us.
1) Find out if your local police officers are required to wear on-body cameras, and if so, make sure they are required to wear them once they respond to a police call. If not, write to your local government or police chief and be an advocate for this cause.
2) Research what types of de-escalation trainings your local police offers employ. They need to be evidence based and safety must always come first. Be a voice and advocate to get this changed if a reliable system is not in place.
3) Racism can occur anywhere. If you witness it first-hand or through social media, call the organization involved and let them know how upset you are. Post on social media with contact information to the organization and encourage others to call and voice their concerns.
4) Celebrate people of color throughout the entire year, not just during the month of February. There are so many resources out there which show African Americans as heroes, and these stories need to be told more. A great book to start with is ...
5) if you are an educator, support African-Americans in their ambitions. Just because someone is black doesn’t mean they have to be a pro athlete or hip-hop artists. Too many times we tell people no, and we kill dreams. Watch this video for proof:
6) Be an advocate for black teachers to be hired where black students are present. Be an advocate to change the ways students are accepted into a gifted program. While test scores and other requirements are important, diversity is something that is so much more dynamic.
7) So many companies have search committees that are predominantly white. Work with your HR department to recruit diverse applicants including graduates of HBCUs. What is wrong with having pride in your history and tradition?!? There are intelligent people in every color of skin.
8) Donate money and support ANTI-supremacy organizations such as Black Lives Matter, the NAACP, Black Youth Project 100, Color I’d Change, The Sentencing Project, A New Way of Life, Dream Defenders, etc. Your money and support can save lives.
You can follow @CoachTomParks.
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