How many of you caught the language used by the NASA administrator in that interview right after the NASA/Space X launch?

"...we now have an administration...."
"that we have a President that sees..."
"...feels great to get back into space with a President that..."
Obama tried to kill the US space program just as fast as he could on assuming office in 2009.

It took him until 2011 to do it, and don't kid yourself that he did that to save money.

He did it because he was bribed to do that by China, Iran and others.
Obama sang a song about how there just wasn't any cost effective benefit into taking the space program further and shut it down.

What happened today could have happened years ago.

IF the private sector had been allowed to get involved.
Because the private sector is where all the innovation and creativity is right now.

It's not like it was in the 1960's with the Apollo program launched under Kennedy.

Our gov't became ossified, controlling, unable to innovate or create.
If Obama had been willing to partner NASA with private firms like Space X, what you saw today could have happened back in 2010 or even earlier.

But the political elite class thinks if gov't does do it or control all of it, it's somehow suspect and not worth it.
So it just wasn't Obama, this attitude was prevalent under both Bushes and Clinton.

But Obama saw an opportunity to impress his radical friends by shutting down the space program & scrapping missile defense.
Trump is taking things in a completely different direction with a new space program and a new Space Force military branch.

China and others want to get ahead of us up there and despite films like "The Martian" their reasons for that are not benign.
Trump has said someday he'll tell us the **full story** of what Obama did to our military.

I believe him.

For now, rejoice that Trump has said we'll be back to the moon by 2024.

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