Stephen Porges Thread⬇️ Stephen opens by highlighting how polyvagal theory shifted the narrative from shame or blame (rape victims - soldiers not fleeing/fighting) - and that immobilization is an involuntary biological heroic activity that enables the body to survive.
Our nervous system continually detects queues of safety from the intonation of voice.

As mammals we have used patterns of intonation to assess safety long before the development of vocalization/ words. We still do and must consider how we sound when we teach & connect to others
Our cultural histories are to deny what our bodies tell us & need (children: sit still - pay attention - don't talk.) Embodiment is to feel and respect our bodies. The more we deny our bodies - the more the messages are eroded -and our bodies begin to numb out. The disconnect.
The COVID pandemic is a paradox because as mammals we mitigate the crisis by proximity, closeness and connection - however - health restrictions prevdent this. We need to think creatively about how we 'create moments of presence with another human being'💜
As humans, we are all transformative creating different stages of our life. Developing a strategy in our health system that doesn't separate the brain and the body is where I am focused.

Such a humble & eloquent speaker - loved listening to him🙏
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