Here's the most important, and most difficult thing, for white people like me to accept about George Floyd: his murder wasn't a tragic isolated incident by one lone wolf bad police officer.
That event (like so many others that have captured national attention in the last few years) reflects the nationwide problem of a police force - and criminal justice system - that does absolutely nothing to serve or protect African Americans. This is the norm, not an exception
"For young men of color, police use-of-force is among the leading causes of death."

Think about that. One of the leading causes of death for young black men is being killed by the police officers who are supposed to protect them.
To put it frankly, American society is set up to favor white people at the expense of people of color, especially black people. That remains just as true today as it has ever been, even though slavery and Jim Crow no longer exist.
White America – myself included – like to pretend that is no longer the case, but we have overwhelming evidence that’s not true (see links above as a small start).

White supremacy isn’t a fringe belief held by a few radicals; it’s a fundamental part of our entire society.
Let me say that again, because it’s the whole point of this thread: White supremacy isn’t a fringe belief held by a few radicals; it’s a fundamental part of our entire society.

The first step is admitting the problem. Until we as a nation do that, nothing changes
If you truly mourn George Floyd's death and want to honor his legacy, start by saying - to yourself and others - that America is and remains a nation of white supremacy.

If you can't/won't do that, then don’t bother pretending you actually care about George Floyd's murder
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