Thoughts on yet another case of a racist showing his ass on Twitter (repeatedly) while wanting to get a tech job:

Stay. The Fuck. Out.
Tech has enough problems with racism, sexism, every phobia and -ism. Reform is coming only very slowly. Welcoming an overt racist would not help any workplace.
Exposing this dude was a favor to any potential future employer: he's a liability. Given what he was willing to say publicly on Twitter, how long would it be before a lawsuit got filed or colleagues quit over a hostile workplace environment?
Remember the uber-sexist Google ding-dong that caused them so many problems? I'll bet his attitude was apparent to some long before he joined. Maybe Google would like to have been similarly warned before they got into that mess.
Should this dude's life have been "ruined"? The alternative was to allow him the opportunity to ruin the lives of others. Those HR lawsuits usually don't end well for the person who complains (which is why complaints don't get made nearly as often as actual incidents occur).
Should he choose to take it, he has the opportunity to learn, grow, make a credible apology, and become a worthy human being. Whether he even tries will tell us more about who he "really is." In the absence of such effort, I would not want him in my workplace. Nor should anyone.
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