A small thread...

Didn't mention it at the time of watching because it genuinely took me a few days to process it but I found the therapy scene in Normal People not only an incredible piece of acting but also very important. It has stayed with me. Why? (1/?)
Seeking out counselling and therapy is something that is still relatively new to, well, normal people. And for all the amazing work being done to open up the conversation around mental health in young men, I can't think of many mainstream examples of therapy being shown (2/?)
I had absolutely no idea how to talk about my depression. My very nice GP back in Warrington referred me to phone counselling but I never made an appointment. I couldn't articulate my thoughts. You aren't taught this. I'm not sure if it's harder for lads but I was stuck (3/?)
As my health deteriorated I tried to get a therapist appointment through the NHS, but, after a decade of cuts to mental health services, I was facing a long waiting list. I can't really allow myself to now think what could have happened if I would have waited months (4/?)
Anyway. I'm very lucky to have a job and a credit card and googled a therapist in Liverpool. In desperation got an appointment. Again, I had no idea what would happen. My knowledge of therapy extended to Tony Soprano and that Simpsons episode with Ned's dad in the beret. (5/?)
It didn't fix me but the therapy changed my life. I spent the first few sessions on an IKEA chair sobbing while a kind and encouraging man listened. Sometimes he challenged my thoughts. I'd cry more. I'd tell him why I was scared. I slowly got better. I am better and alive. (6/?)
But back to the point. Here is the BBC showing a normal, relatable lad from a working class, single parent background taking the brave step to help himself. The episode shows therapy for what it can be - difficult, healing, life-changing. I want anyone struggling to see it. (7/8)
I love that we are encouraging each other to open up on mental health but loads of people still don't know how to. There isn't one way to get better, but I hope the next generation of kids get to see that there's hope. That's it. Done. Great telly. Lovely looking lad too. Cheers
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