all $$ donated on the last three days of this fundraiser will go towards bailing out protestors in ATLANTA, LOUISEVILLE, PHILLY & NYC.

donate some money, win some art, FUCK the police, keep each other SAFE !!!!
donations are going towards @phillybailfund, @BKBailFund, , and the louisville community bail fund
#FTP #FreeThemAll
i spelled louisville wrong, like a fool. sorry! <3
in the past few weeks we raised $6.2k for @fangcollective and @covidbailoutnyc, in the past few HOURS alone we've raised $1.8k to bail out protestors in atlanta, louisville, nyc & philly!!! donation receipts to come after the 1st ❤️❤️
see this thread for art you could win!
You can follow @kathleenmachine.
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