Since the very inception of the USA, black people and POC were treated as second class people at best, and often times not even human beings. Black people were not able to vote and even truly be their own person. They were kidnapped from their homes and sold to white people
The white slave owners would literally work the black men to death and rape the black women. They were beaten and treated as work animals. “All men are created equal” was only applicable to white men, usually ones who owned land. The founding fathers even owned slaves themselves
Black people were always seen as a lower class and not even treated as humans. In 1787, the 3/5 Compromise was enacted which stated that black people only counted for 3/5th of a person. This was only to help wealthy slave owners increase their representation in Congress.
So legally, black people were not even fully people. In fact, slavery was not even abolished until 1865, almost 100 years AFTER the creation of the official USA. For 90 years, the government said it was legal to own another human being.
Image for almost 100 years the government basically said “yeah black people don’t really count, we just use them for free labor”. So all of that time, it was commonplace for the general population to view them as less than.
The abolishment of slavery did not change much because now you have a country that views blacks as not real people. Nobody wanted to hire them or help them at all because the institution made them out to be less than. The black people really did not have many options
So they ended up working back on plantations for pretty much no money, essentially becoming slaves again through indentured servitude. The white people still didn’t like the black people so they would do everything in their power to make their lives as difficult as possible
Since the beginning of the US, it was fully legal to think of and treat black people as not even humans and that legal way lasted until slavery was abolished. After that, white people found new ways and loopholes to treat them as less than.
I am not going to go through the entire history of racism in America, but it is important that white people fully realize the extent to which racism is rooted in the institution and foundation of our country. Black people were made out to be criminals and
Lower class citizens by white people since the second they were stolen from their homes in Africa. President Trump is just further perpetuating the racism in America basically allowing white people to kill innocent black people.
Since his inauguration, open and clear racism has been rising. People see how he acts and talks and treats minorities and see that as an excuse to do the same. When the leader of a country is openly racist, he is telling his citizens that that sort of behavior is not only
Acceptable, but it is encouraged. There is a new wave of Neo-Nazis in America right now. Like are you fucking kidding me. Our current leadership is allowing racist organizations like the KKK and this new wave of Nazis to run around spewing hate and violence
The fact of the matter is, America has always had a problem with racism. It is truly rooted in our institution and systems. It is your duty as a white person to open your fucking eyes to this nonsense and do something about it.
The first thing you need to do is educate yourself in the real history of America and have some empathy to people that aren’t as privileged as you. I can only speak to so much of this as I have not been negatively affected by my race as a white person.
Please, please listen to the struggles of black people and POC and hear what they are saying. It is the very least you can do. Black people are dying at the hands of white people and the white people are not being held accountable.
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