Been seeing A LOT of Black Latin American groups I follow/know/work with *in* Latin America post & speak about the protests. A lot of English-language media has been translated into Spanish & Portuguese. Gee, wonder why. Cld it be no matter the border, Blackness is a target? 🤔
Cld it be that amid your bullshit Latin Am “mestizaje” myth (that always erases Blackness) y’all BEEN targeting your Black populations? Cld it be Black Brazilians are under state-sanctioned genocide? Cld it be Black Colombians are being murdered & displaced off their lands?
Cld it be when Black Colombians then go to urban zones after being violently removed from their ancestral lands, they face virulent racism from white Colombians? Cld it be Black Panamanians are routinely called “parasites,” & Black women especially are mocked as entertainment?
Cld it be that every single time my husband rode his motorcycle, he was stopped multiple times PER DAY (Bc obviously the moto *had* to be stolen) while his white Cuban counterparts never had even one police interaction in their entire lives?
Cld it be my compadre @Prof_JWallace had guns pointed at him in broad daylight & dragged off a Panama bus for “public safety”...looked around & the only ones pulled were Black men? Cld it be that the Black Ecuadorian infant mortality rate is 48.3% & for whites it is 30.8%?
Cld it be that a Brazilian man was dragged out of a hospital and beat in the street when a nurse’s phone went missing, she found it and said it was a “misunderstanding”? Cld it be the oft-lauded “La Raza Cósmica” is a requiem of white supremacist eugenics pathological fantasy?
Cld it be every time a Black Latino talks abt race you pull out your Black grandma that you most likely kept in the closet or the kitchen? Cld it be y’all still pretend being Latino is a default for “of color” when the first European colonizer campaigns started in Latin America?
Cld it be that when a baby is born with pale skin and pale eyes you lose your shit with white worshipping joy? Cld it be that Black Latin Americans across the Americas are dying at faster rates and our communities are going hungry amid this pandemic?
Cld it be when two (white Latinas) lost to Miss S. Africa (who is Black but not Latina) in the Miss Universe pageant, Black Latin Americans exploded with joy & pride & couldn’t stop talking about it for weeks & had to field racist comments & “jokes” from their fellow Latinos?
Could it be:
[still from my series NEGRO: A docu-series about Latino Identity] 
A black person is murdered in Brazil every 23 mins. From 2006-2016, police in Rio killed more than 8,000 ppl , 75% of them were Black men. State police killed 1,810 people in 2019, nearly five a day, in the name of Wilson Witzel’s "war on drugs.”
Many say it’s civilian lives being lost. Mostly Black, lower-classed & favelados. Sandra Mara mother of, Jean Rodrigo da Silva, killed by cops May 2019 said “they send these jerks into our neighborhoods to kill. When are police going to stop killing my son, our sons? Ask Witzel!”
Next is excerpt is from a May 2019 article by @ByMarinaLopes “A police officer who does not kill is not a police officer,” [Brazil pres.] Bolsonaro said in 2018. Under Witzel, police in Rio have begun conducting operations aboard helicopters, shooting into slums at suspected +
“criminals. Some schools are now placing signs on their roofs asking officers not to shoot. Witzel was heavily criticized this month after he published a video of himself aboard a helicopter during an operation in which shots were fired at an evangelical prayer site.” +
Black people ACROSS THE AMERICAS have been in communication & solidarity for 500 years. This ain’t new. The struggles are the same, regardless of language, borders, culture. Photos of Black Colombians in Buenaventura in solidarity with Ferguson.
Black Cuban poet, writer and activist Nicolas Guillén was buddies with Langston Hughes. I mean this shit runs deep. Y’all can miss us with that Luhteeno bullshit. Your mestizo white prioritizing Latinidad was never meant for us.
Pic 1: “At every attempt to invisibilize OUR fight,” on the Instagram of Sani Ladan, Cameroonian activist living in Spain speaks abt migrant + targeted Black abuse at the hands of European states. Pic 2: Instagram account of an Afro-Salvadorian organization. As stated: OUR FIGHT.
Our networks run DEEP when you talking about “Black issues.”
"The Indiscreet Racism of Latinos"
"Oh how pretty"
"All white"
"His blue eyes"
"He's beautiful"
"I adore him"
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