This is a thread about car culture.

My city, #LdnOnt, has a cool old bridge called Blackfriars. It was for cars, then for pedestrians only for a while, but now is open to one-way car traffic. They also put in a little parkette near where the bridge stands. @LdnOntBikeCafe
The street the bridge is on bisects a park path that follows the river. So to give people more space because of Covid, they closed the bridge & about 50 meters on either side to cars. Huzzah! Here are the signs telling drivers.
Let's look at other signs near the bridge, shall we? These 4 signs tell drivers to not run over cyclists, that there's a speed bump, and that their vehicle shouldn't weigh more than 3 tons.
This sign, about a meter later, reminds drivers that there's speed bump.
This sign tells drivers the height of the bridge so they don't crash into it. It happens. I think the sign really goes with the aesthetic, don't you?
These three signs tell drivers that the bridge is narrow and (huzzah!) there's one for pedestrians telling them that the can use the sidewalk in case they were tempted to swim the river.
This stop sign is for people on the park path to get them to stop so they don't walk out onto the road and get run over by drivers who have gone over the speed bump and are about to cross the bridge.
Other side: this sign on the park path tells people walking or cycling to stop (see above) and also tells cyclists to dismount. There are detailed instructions for making eye contact with drivers so that they don't run you over. Repeat: make eye contact so they don't kill you.
This is a sign reminding drivers not to run over pedestrians. It's attached to a gizmo that has a button for pedestrians and blinky lights and a voice that says they can cross. It's solar powered. (Huzzah! Environment!)
This paint on the road stops drivers from running over cyclists. Cyclists get to go both ways because they weigh less than 3 tons and are under 3.3 meters tall. (Huzzah! Infrastructure!)
Going up the hill now, away from the bridge. This sign tells drivers to drive on the side of the road they're supposed to drive on and not crash over the curb and kill people on bikes or on foot who are heading to the park. (There's another sign like it in the distance.)
There's a helpful turning circle for drivers who have ignored multiple other signs and driven the wrong way on a one way street. On that circle are three signs telling drives that they can't store their cars there. It's a park.
These signs tell drivers who have driven the wrong way down the one way street and have taken the turning circle thingy that they have to yield to drivers who have crossed the bridge.
This sign tells drivers that they can't park there either.
These signs tell drivers that they can now pass the goddamn cyclist who has been holding them up for the last 100 meters, taking precious seconds off their life.
Heading back down the hill. These signs tell drivers that there's no exit, you have to go single file, no parking, and that trucks can't cross the bridge (a helpful reminder in case the "no exit" sign didn't do it.) And there's a bike lane to the park (Huzzah! Infrastructure!)
This sign say that you can walk in the bike lane because there isn't a sidewalk on that side of the road.
This sign specifies the bike lane and says for drivers who have driven the wrong way down a one-way street that the speed limit is 20 KM/H over the bridge that they can't drive over.
(Coming off the bridge through a quiet street you can FLOOR it though. But please don't park.)
These multiple signs remind drivers that they have driven the wrong way down a one way street.
And this sign basically says, "We mean it, you peckerhead."
And here's my favourite of the 30 or signs in that little 200 meter stretch. It reminds us all to "share the road." As a #LdnOnt city councilor said recently, we're a democracy, and we have to balance interests!
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