We should be actively and angrily fighting to change the systemic and institutionalized ways that racism and classism ravage our country and government, and that starts with recognizing the hate and fear that some groups use to subjugate others.
The President of the United States has spent the last 4 years cramming down Americans’ throats the idea that reporters and journalists are the “enemy of the people”, because he wants you to submit to his fearmongering and scare tactics without the people being able to push back.
The platform Mr. Trump has used for the last decade to scream his grievances into the void finally decided to flag his tweets which incite/glorify violence or make blatantly false claims. And in response, he decides to pitch a childlike hissy fit attempting to stop them.
Fox News, an obviously conservative news network which has stood behind him since his inauguration, quits blindly parroting his rhetoric and critiques some of his decisions, and the spineless man immediately attacks them and starts praising OAN for doing what Fox ceased to.
All the while he continues barking his hateful and uninformed rhetoric, instigating relations towards PoC, and intentionally enabling a culture of hate, racism, and misogyny to continue existing, all because he wants to hold power for his own vanity and ego.
The government works for the people. A democracy, even a representative democracy/republic like ours, only has power because the people give it to them. The point of government is ensure the rights and safety of all those who live within its jurisdiction.
The hate and anger that Mr. Trump has stoked among the American people has only facilitated fear between individuals within our country.
While I am not overlooking the systemic and institutional problems of this country has had since the beginning, the idea of a place for anyone and everyone which it was founded upon has been entirely abandoned by this administration.
Montesquieu stated, “In order to have this liberty, it is requisite the government be so constituted as one man need not be afraid of another.” Yet here we are having to actively fear wrongful retribution from supporters of this administration if you call them on their lunacy.
The failure of the those in power to protect ALL their constituents and stand for what is right, and instead ingratiate themselves with this administration for political gain is why we are in this place that riots and revolts are taking place.
If the peaceful protests were recognized and weren’t brushed off or if the loud grumblings from those subjected to the injustices of a system designed and evolved to keep them down were heeded, we might not be here. But here we are.
It just saddens and angers me that we have made racism a *political* issue. It’s not. It has only become that way because of those who refuse to change the systems it permeates through and therefore are deluded into the idea that changing the system is a difference of opinion.
I apologize for the length of this thread, but I don’t apologize for it’s content. If you take issue with it, feel free to unfollow me or DM me to discuss.
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