So many, often vulnerable, white kids are radicalized by white supremacists. There needs to be classes taught in school on how to recognize and handle these recruiters.
It's hard to get out once you're in. It's hard to have been so wrong. It's hard to imagine being accepted anywhere else. It's hard to handle those who will frequently bring up your bad choices. It's hard, and it's uncomfortable to talk about.
Are there programs for deradicalization? Safe ways for people to check themselves in and get help to change, to leave behind those that have "accepted" them but only on the basis of hatred? We need to start reforming things now.
We NEED safe spaces for these people to get help if they want a way out.
I know now it's easy to demonize. It's easy to not forgive. It's easy to think people don't change. Rehabilitation is better than leaving these people, often indoctrined BECAUSE of their vulnerability, to continue this cycle because they feel they won't be accepted anywhere else.
It's a cult. It's an abusive relationship. It's an ADDICTION. There are hard, uncomfortable truths we're going to have to face with a compassion many feel they are undeserving of. But if they want to change, we need to make a space where they can.
Hey people with primarily white/non-black audiences, you know who you are, you gotta start spreading this information. Yall know which of you stay neutral to keep the chunk of your audience that's radicalized? Well if you're ever gonna take a stand, this is a place to start.
I know you all have people that instantly come to mind. Some may even claim to be allies. They gotta do outreach with the platforms they have, because unfortunately it won't be seen or even considered coming from us.
You can follow @heybiji.
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