if you are white or a nb-poc and you are going to a protest, use your privilege wisely. i have seen way to many videos of people using the riots as an opportunity to fulfill some purge fantasy or whatever the fuck but fact of the matter is when you do that the blame ends up +
going to the people you are supposedly trying to help. you can go home and most likely be fine but they will get arrested or shamed by the media. be smart, be proactive and use common sense. it's so disheartening to see as a nb-poc who can't go protest that people are being so+
to be honest, dumb and reckless. this isn't a joke or some game. this is all so very serious. if you are there to help be there to help. protect the black protesters there and if you see anything messed up, use your privilege voice and take action. please.
i hope i am not overstepping, and if i am i will swiftly deleted this and apologize but it's honestly really infuriating like i wish i could out there and helping in a way that is productive and to see people who can be out there acting in a way that is so stupid...
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