Please. Consider sharing this.

It’s an emergency message detailing what I’ve seen about white terrorist cells infiltrating the protests and escalating tensions in order to push America to the brink and what it all means.
People need to understand white terrorists have been organizing, preparing, and training for a moment like this with a president like Trump. For many of them, this is their opening to overthrow America and install a white fascistic ethnostate.

Tell people. Please.
White supremacist terror cells have been operating for years and are organized and prepared to use this moment and this protest as a catalyst. They’re talking about it, planning destruction to create havoc and confusion, and push America to the edge.
Things are escalating according to these plans. Let’s be clear. Other people are causing damage. Other people are rioting. This isn’t conspiracy mongering, it’s a reckoning with an organized terrorist movement within the United States that is using crisis to achieve their goals.
This is what the state of Minnesota was talking about today. White supremacist terror cells are infiltrating these protests and inflaming tensions in order to sow confusion, anger, division, and draw the country into a potential civil war-like situation.
This emergency podcast is meant to detail what I've seen in white supremacist terrorist channels, what experts have told me, and give background on what these provocateurs are doing and what they hope to accomplish.

Tell people this is happening. We have to be prepared.
The people responsible for this, the people infiltrating these protests, crafting this destruction, interrupting legislatures, they're depending on people not believing they're operating behind the scenes and intending to bring down America.

Knowledge is power here.
You can follow @JYSexton.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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