A Recipe For Disaster:
I’ve been a baker since before most of you were born
Put more loaves of bread out to the hungry then I could afford
I come from a place on a border that has barely come out of its sectarian civil war.
I know racism.
I know violence.
Better than bread/1 🧵
So these 2 things give me a different view on the world
Often cynical
Sometimes mean
But mostly fair
From the underdogs side anyways.

I don’t scare easily. Because I’ve been raped by British soldiers, bombed by them, shot by them, lost a son to them. I got fear mastered./2 🧵
Everyday of my childhood I wondered if I was going to be killed, murdered
If my father would be killed
My siblings
My wane
For the simple act of going to school
Driving a car
Going in the wrong store
The 60-90’s on the border of Ireland & Northern Ireland were “explosive” /3 🧵
That time was a physical/mental war against a set group of people whom whenever they stood up to defend themselves, protect their own or take what was theirs were deemed terrorists
Even when we disarmed & played by the rules the rulers made sure to change the rules/4 🧵
My area still lives in extreme abject poverty because of a truce agreement that means my wee area will never be safe as it is always contested on the border between two nations that hold a swath of land in a time capsule of sectarian violence & shame with no enddate in sight/5🧵
So here’s what I bring to the table. Knowledge. A different kind earned a different way but valuable none the less. You’ve a recipe for disaster brewing among yourselves. Take it from someone who’s living in...”peace???” now.

The world is suffering a plague/6🧵
People have been locked down globally for a long time. Longer than their will prefers
Then your enforcers commit a crime
Whether it be violating the lock down or murdering a man ... I’m telling you both sides the scale it weighs the same. Because you have human powder kegs. /7🧵
Patience has been tested to it’s very limits. Extremes of all sorts. Not just politically but logically down to the brass tacks of having toilet paper to wipe their arses you have people with zero tolerance for nuance or missteps.
Normal everyday folk in melt down mode/8🧵
So throwing the tinder of human bodies on the fire... black ones because of racist murdering arseholes or old ones cause we don’t give a fuck about care homes in a pandemic ... people are screaming in their heads. They need release. They crave vindication. They need justice/9🧵
The problem is most people are’na leaders. And most people add to a problem not add to the solution.
Sadder most people can easily be wrapped up into a frenzy of feeding on the very bones of their own when kept in a spinner of constant gaslighting and misinformation. /10 🧵
Take it from a mother who buried her son because of it. Because a soldier snatched his life from him. Take it from a mother who wanted to burn the ground she stood on so the world could hear me cries, you only have no where to sleep when you do that. /11🧵
Bad actors will co-opt your pain & use it to vent their agenda
You will often be so grief stricten you can’na see the forest through the trees. Breathe my warriors.
Let mammon hold you for a minute. Let a moment beat in your chest for those hearts stopped. Know yourself/12🧵
We would’na do to others what has been done to us. So do not let others do it in your name...carrying your torch...setting flame to your house. Do not do to yourselves what we did to ourselves. Learn from my errors. Do not let anyone define their agenda with your suffering./13🧵
This world is burning. The old ways of one master who trumps them all is ending. I have no doves to send for fig leaves or measly handouts. But change doesn’t come from letting those who hate you shape the narrative
Write your own story now
The eye of the world is on you/14🧵
Give them no more of your bodies to desecrate. The enemy is not just those that put a knee on your neck, or toss you to a plague to die... they are those who disingenuously claim your pain & use it to justify their wrong doings while hiding in plain sight.
Healing hurts. /15 🧵
George Floyd did’na give his life for a cause. His life was stolen from him. People dying because our leaders can’na handle a pandemic did’na do so to be martyrs
Their lives were lost in vain

Give them no more blood
Not even their own
Give them not a single scrap to burn/16🧵
Take their futures by reclaiming your past. Take them out of the process by pushing out those in power who see us as expendable.

This is not the olympics. I won’t carry your torch for you but I’ll make sure those in power see your flame until your voices are heard safely./17🧵
My heart to yours o’re sea & time. We be one
of one flesh
one heart
one mind
Freedom is’na free
It’s paid for with the bones of the oppressed
Not today my world family
Today you can make change by raising voices of those who can’na always be heard. While they live not after
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